Escape the Standstill

Stella Crawford

After constant studying, sitting in lecture halls, and falling stuck into a stand still I need to shock my body. Running free and far brings me back to my childhood when I didn’t have to think about much else. Skipping and jumping around with no one telling me I had to act like an adult. It allows me to escape all of the plans for my future and take a break from the people swimming in my head. I can just be, thinking about how movement makes me feel at that moment. The steadiness of trees and nature surround me and I feel an escape from my phone that can’t stop pulling me towards it. 

Many people move to improve their body, but I focus on how it improves my mind. I want to feel in control of my own actions, my own abilities. Running allows me to know I am in control—of my speed, which direction to take, and my attitude while doing it. Once I have control over these aspects, they translate to any facet of my life. Whether in schoolwork, relationships, or moments of facing the unknown. Pushing myself to physical limits and causing my body to be afraid reminds me that I can face tremendous difficulties and come out stronger. Every time I run free, it is a test. I will never stop letting myself know that I can do it. 

We need more movement. Oftentimes we are so encapsulated in our own spaces, we forget to move around and leave our comfort zones. Movement is running free. Running free is getting to the next point and exploring more of what is around us. Besides the physical act of running or moving, we need to make it a habit to move towards each other instead of staying in the standstill that keeps us boxed in. Playing more games with one another and bringingnew people in to participate is empowerment through movement. Separation and fear of the unknown is lonely. Moving fosters connection and compassion. As kids, that’s how we all met each other. In college, it shouldn’t have to be different. We both don’t want it to be different.  Let’s play with fewer barriers. Let’s run away from this comfort that keeps us apart.